More Money Each Month While Having a Full Time Job (PART II)

How to Make More Money Each Month While Having a Full Time Job (PART II)


Making money Step 1: the right Credit Cards

  • Choose a credit card that has a cash back feature check out for a list of credit cards offers (also check with your current back to see what they have to offer)
  • Make sure there are NO annual credit card fees (interest rate doesn’t matter too much since you will never pay interest rate if you pay it off each month before the bill is due)
  • Ensure that this credit card is linked to your checking account so you can do online payments or payment with your smart phone
  • You should use your credit card for all purchases that you make on a regular basis that DOES NOT charge a transaction fee (example: you ask to pay your rent with your credit card and your landlord says that they charge $15 to process your credit card… that’s a good sign NOT to use your credit card to pay your rent)
  • SO HOW DOES USING A CREDIT CARD MAKES ME MONEY??? Simple cash back bonuses… most credit card companies give you at least 1% cash back on all purchases made with your credit card. So if you buy a bottle of water for $1.00 you will receive $0.01 back. Doesn’t seem like much at first but think about all the things you NEED (not want) to buy all year: groceries, gas, office supplies, printer paper, coffee*, diapers…… that 1% cash back adds up and could buy you a nice holiday gift at the end of the year (see: Use Credit Cards to Buy Free Holiday Gifts)

Obviously there are stipulations to using your credit card….

  • First you must NOT carry any balance on your credit card (you must pay your credit card in FULL each month). In fact pay your credit card off each week.
  • Again use it only for necessities not to splurge or buy crap you don’t need (i.e a new phone just because it’s a new I-crap)
  • Make sure there are no hidden fees nor any annual fees for having the credit card

According to a 2013 Economic News Release on Consumer Expenditures the average American spend $7,248 a year on groceries, $1,604 a year on Apparel and services, $9,004 a year on Transportation, $2482 on Entertainment, and $5528 on Personal insurance.

That’s a total of $25,866. Assuming that was all purchased with the same credit card you would have netted about $256 cash back (HEY IT’S FREE MONEY don’t leave it on the table).

Making money Step 2: paying off credit cards debt and other loans

This is a simple one you might have credit card debt or student loans. First with any debt you should be acting like your hair is on fire and try your best to put it out. For example, by getting rid of your student loans you will automatically save 4% each year in interest fees (15% to 25% for credit card). So if you have extra cash put it towards getting rid of debt… once you do you will see how easy it is to save.


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Making money Step 3: get more from your bank. Don’t be loyal to crappy banks

If your local saving bank account is paying you 0.01% annually you should probably switch to a online savings account such as or These banks carry the same FDIC insurance as the “name brand” banks you are used to. The different is that they offer better rate currently ally is about 1% that about 10x to 100x times better than what some local banks were giving. I know 1% is not a lot but it sure beat zero percent.

Check out bankrate for high yield checking

Making money Step 4: Get a weekend job delivering and driving

With merger of technology and entrepreneurship services such as UBER, LIFT and DOORDASH you can use your smart phone and vehicle to make extra cash by doing deliveries (, providing taxi service ( and

Making money Step 4: Have an extra room rent it out on the weekends

Again with technology meeting entrepreneurship we now have the ability to easily operate a bed and breakfast like service out of your own home. With airbnb you can rent a room, a sofa or a tent in you your backyard to travelers. For more information on this go to and do a search for airBnB

Making Money Step 5: being frugal

  1. Bring lunch to work
  2. Take public transportation
  3. Drop your landline and rely on your cell phone
  4. Reassess your savings accounts
  5. Make your gifts
  6. Make your own cleaning products, like detergent and carpet cleaner
  7. Cook more and eat out less often
  8. Be aware of bank fees
  9. Make a list before grocery shopping
  10. Grocery shop at lower-priced supermarkets like ethnic stores
  11. Buy generic products
  12. Don’t go to the grocery store when hungry
  13. Entertain indoors
  14. Explore free activities on the weekend
  15. Use Credit Cards to Buy Free Holiday Gifts
  16. Wait on purchases before buying them
  17. Get a home energy audit
  18. Seal up air leaks in your home to cut heating and cooling costs
  19. Buy generic medicine
  20. Use your health benefits
  21. Skype instead of making long-distance calls
  22. Turn roaming off and rely on WiFi when traveling
  23. Know the right things to buy in bulk
  24. Reassess your Internet and cable provider and see if you can find a cheaper plan
  25. Turn off lights that aren’t in use
  26. Unplug electronics when not in use
  27. Use cold water to wash your clothes
  28. Hang dry your clothing instead of tumbling it in the dryer
  29. Hand wash your clothing instead of taking it to the dry cleaner when possible
  30. Drink tap water instead of bottled water. Consider investing in a filter
  31. Cancel cable and watch your favorite shows online
  32. Work out outdoors, play sports, or go to a friend’s gym instead of paying for a gym membership
  33. Shop at the farmers market
  34. Swap clothes, bags, and accessories with friends
  35. Google coupons before buying something online
  36. Renegotiate your cell phone plan, find a new carrier, or cancel some features to save money
  37. Use a prepaid phone instead of signing up for a phone plan
  38. Read books and magazines from the library
  39. Make your own coffee at home
  40. Return the purchases you need to return
  41. Sell your old things
  42. Buy used items
  43. Automate payments so you won’t forget and be charged with late fees
  44. Negotiate a lower APR
  45. Upcycle your old items instead of throwing them away
  46. Always comparison shop
  47. Find a good rewards credit card and use it smartly
  48. Book trips early
  49. Stock up on holiday decor after the holidays
  50. Don’t feel obligated to say yes to every invitation (this includes weddings, dinners, events, etc.)
  51. Eat right and exercise and get enough sleep, so you won’t have to pay with your health
  52. Pay bills online to save on postage
  53. Stop smoking
  54. Stop drinking soda
  55. Compare gas prices to find the most affordable gas with sites like
  56. Get beauty treatments from trainee beauticians
  57. Keep plastic takeout containers for future use
  58. Wash dishes in a full dishwasher
  59. Avoid out-of-network ATMs
  60. Keep track of your money with a spreadsheet or
  61. Plan out your meals for the week
  62. Refill printer ink instead of buying new cartridges
  63. Brush and floss every day and take care of your teeth to prevent pricey dental bills
  64. Keep your receipt or take a picture of it in case you want to return an item
  65. Vacation closer to home
  66. Don’t check in your luggage
  67. Check out airbnb  instead of hotels
  68. Travel during an off-peak season or time
  69. Travel to an underrated place instead of famous tourist spots
  70. Use reusable grocery bags
  71. Find a place with lower rent or get roommates
  72. Join loyalty programs
  73. Wait for daily deals for services you like, such as dental cleaning or a massage
  74. Feed your pet the right foods and keep it in shape to reduce vet bills
  75. Work toward getting a better credit score so you’ll be quoted cheaper rates
  76. Review your receipts to make sure you’re not being charged for odd items
  77. Check your bank account daily to make sure there aren’t any weird charges
  78. Always try to wait for a sale before buying something
  79. Don’t use your credit card overseas unless it doesn’t have foreign transaction fees
  80. Rent movies instead of going to the theater

Ok that’s it for now. Please like, subscribe to blog, and post comments/suggestions below. I will add more ways to make money in a few for now get started on what’s listed above.

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