
Invest in Crypto Gold Project


There is no guarantee of profit and you should only sacrifice crypto you
are willing to lose without the assumption of making a profit – you can
lose all or part of your sacrifice amount. Please make sure you define
the maximum USDT/USDC acceptable to be sacrificed for and based
on yourself.

What is Project79

Project79 have secured contracts with companies
who have proven track records within the precious metal industry, this provides
us the ability to engage in the lucrative industry of gold bullion trading through an
existing global supply chain, legal partnerships are in place with mining
productions and refineries to facilitate the purchasing, import and export of
physical gold bullion with off-take / sale agreements already locked in place.


Through funds sacrificed into Project 79 we will begin to execute
contracts secured to acquire the physical asset of gold bullion directly
from global mining productions at a discounted LBMA market rate
and participate in the distribution and sale of such assets. Crypto
made through the project will be displayed publicly in real time
through our sacrifice portal and distributed monthly, with crypto
stablecoin distributions commencing immediately from the 1st full
month after the sacrifice period.


The gold market offers high liquidity and potentially excellent opportunities to profit
in nearly all environments due to its unique position within the world’s economic and
political systems. While speculating through the futures, equity, and options markets
are common forms of exposure to this commodity some folks choose to own the metal
outright with vast amounts of physical gold traded every day!
Gold reserves are held by the central banks or the treasury of a country, as it contributes
to the nation’s creditworthiness in the issuance of currency and bonds. Gold reserves
are also held by governments, private institutions and individuals as a store of value.
Countries also strictly adhere to a practice known as the gold standard. It has evidently
been proven to be an ultimate safe harbour asset. Since ancient times, humans have
gravitated toward this shiny metal as both a measure of wealth and backing for various
Today, holding gold offers investors protection against geopolitical and socioeconomic
upheavals, and is often used as a hedge against economic turmoil, it remains highly
sought-after by nation-states looking to build up currency reserves. Gold also offers a
low correlation with both stocks and bonds, which provides a tangible diversification


From the point of sale, the gold is fully insured and transportation is
taken care of by Brinks, a specialist precious metal logistics company
that ships the gold directly to the refinery where the gold will be
