How to Freeze your credit report

How to Freeze your credit report

With all the ongoing hacking, data breaches and sheer inability of our government or financial institutions to protect our data I decided to write something about credit monitoring and why it might be a good idea to FREEZE YOUR CREDIT report

Freeze my credit… What the H. E. double hockey sticks (HELL)?

Yes, with the increasing rise of data breaches and the recent report of “Hackers linked to China  gaining access to the sensitive background information submitted by intelligence and military personnel for security clearances on virtually every federal employee, every federal retiree and up to 1 million former federal employees”  Click here to see Yahoo article on exposed intel data  proves to me that all we can do is try to make it harder for crooks to get at our data (we can’t prevent data breaches a 100% of the time… but we can make it more difficult for our information to be use since I believe all our information is probably already out there or it’s just a matter of time before it becomes available to hackers).

The best defense I can think of is to is to LOCK down or Freeze your credit

credit monitoring

how to freeze credit report

When Should You Freeze Your Credit Report

  • You’ve been a victim of identity theft
  • Your credit card number has been stolen
  • Your mail has been tampered with or stolen
  • You want to protect yourself from identity theft
  • You want to make it harder for others to assume your identity
  • You’re subscribed to a credit monitoring service

What Happens When I Freeze my Credit?

First understand that freezing your credit won’t protect you 100% from identity theft (at best it’s another layer of defense)…  Always remember there are a million ways for someone to impersonate or steal from you.  Freezing your credit is like closing your doors and windows at night (but you know that a thief can still break a window).  Second you have to actually pay a small fee to each of the major credit monitoring agencies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) to freeze your credit report (fee waved if you have been a victim of identity theft or are over 65 in some states).

When you freeze your credit it makes it impossible for anyone to pull your credit from Equifax, Experian or TransUnion without you first unlocking your credit report.
Note 1: once your credit report is frozen you will have to unfreeze in order to apply for any credit in your name (i.e. new phone service, applying for a loan, getting credit card, buying a home or car…).  Also note that you can tell the credit agency to open your credit for one day, a week, a month… or however long you need.

Note 2: There are other smaller credit reporting agencies out there other than the “big 3” so the possibility that someone could try and open credit in your name that way is a possibility.

Note 3: In most states, the credit freeze will remain in effect until you request it be removed. However, there are some states in which the freeze expires after seven years.

OKAY Let’s Do This How Do I Freeze My Credit Report


Step 1: Go to each of the credit bureau’s website and signup to freeze your credit (remember there is a fee ranging from $3 to $10 based on the state you are in.



See below for links to each of the three credit bureau



Equifax: Freeze Your Equifax Credit Report, 1-800-685-1111 (NY residents 1-800-349-9960)
Experian: Freeze Your Experian Credit Report, 1-888-397-3742


TransUnion: Freeze Your TransUnion Credit Report, 1-888-909-8872


Step 2: Make sure you print or memorize your unlock pin number so that it will be easy for you to unlock your credit when you need to

Step 3: store the credit bureau’s phone numbers in your cell phone for easy lookup

Step 4: keep informed of the various phishing schemes that are trying to steal you information.  Be vigilant and if something happens act fast in contacting the authorities and the credit monitoring agencies

Note: when you try freeze your account they attempt to verify who you are by asking a series of questions.  If you get the questions wrong of if they have incorrect information about you then you will have to apply via mail.  See below  for example

If able to complete online you will see the following make sure to print or save these pages for your record

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One comment

  • With all the hacking and data steeling going on we must find ways to protect ourselves. Thanks for the information I am thinking i should probably follow suit and freeze my credit also
