Lending Club Monthly update 2015

2015 Monthly Lending Club Update


I will be updating this post monthly with my Lending Club stats. scroll to bottom of this post to see the latest lendingclub update. Click here to see my first post about what Lending Club p2p investing is about.


April 2015 Lending Club update

ok update for month of April 2015.  So far I have about $23,097.59 at about 13.1% interest.  Currently still trying to get $10,0062.51 I have available invested in good loans; but as I mentioned in previous post it’s getting difficult to get into good loans before they a snatched up by the big guys.  I am currently using multiple automated tools to snatch up as much as I can along with the big boys (still taking awhile to use up my remaining balance).


On one of my next post I will give more details about the automated LendingClub trading tools I use.  Until then see below for latest Lendingclub stats.


May 2015 Lending Club Update


Ok it’s 4 am and i can’t sleep so I figured i would update my blog.  May has come and gone and I am up a few $$ in interest and profit.  This month i decided to also include the end of month statement provided by lending club…

It shows total interest, total losses to charged off loans and profit form loans on the secondary market. In the Account Total section you can see the total profit including sales on the secondary market.

Total profit for month of MAY 2015 is $109.54.


NOTE: I am still struggling with getting the rest of my money invested in notes.  My automated investment filters seems to be too strict in regards to lending criteria. Also, I had to increase my loan resale markup percentage on the secondary market (folio) so that less notes are sold per month.

Before I would sell like 30 to 60 notes per month now I am down to about 10 to 20.  This will help me keep more cash invested while I evaluate which loans to invest in.


Okay… I decided to tabulate my monthly profits/losses…. easier than doing a screen shot of account summary. This is a better snapshot of my monthly progress and well as a better overview of exactly how much money i have invested in loans versus actual account value. I will try to update my progress with lending club every month.

July 2015 Lending Club update

As you can see from screenshot below it’s becoming harder to add notes. Currently I still have about $7,500 I need to invest (added about $3,000.  Also, idle cash makes you no money).  Also, my late loans are increasing.  Currently I have about 10 notes that are late (2 in grace period, 2 around 16 to 30 days late, and 6 around 31 to 120 days late). I know that at least one of these will default as borrow had indicated that they have filed for bankruptcy.


My profit for the month of July 2015 was $170.13.  I am working on a new Java script that executes faster than the current automated methods I am employing.  Hopefully this will aid me in getting more “good notes” before they are snatched by the big boys/girls and other investors that are using automated investments.

LendingCulb July 2015 Update

LendingClub September 2015 Update



Date Deposit Amount Total Deposit Account Value Start of month Accunt Value end of month Total Invested in loans monthly profit (after fees, trades, charged off loans) total profit Losses (charged off loans)
4/1/2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
5/1/2013 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
6/1/2013 0 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $2,015.62 $2,000.00 $15.62 $15.62 $0.00
7/1/2013 0 $2,000.00 $2,015.62 $2,032.33 $1,961.01 $16.71 $32.33 $0.00
8/1/2013 0 $2,000.00 $2,032.33 $2,049.11 $1,966.14 $16.78 $49.11 $0.00
9/1/2013 $250.00 $2,250.00 $2,049.11 $2,306.16 $1,970.42 $7.05 $56.16 $0.00
10/1/2013 0 $2,250.00 $2,306.16 $2,318.35 $1,588.11 $12.19 $68.35 $0.00
11/1/2013 0 $2,250.00 $2,318.35 $2,334.91 $2,160.73 $16.56 $84.91 $0.00
12/1/2013 0 $2,250.00 $2,334.91 $2,334.91 $2,319.93 $0.00 $84.91 ($23.91)
1/1/2014 $1,000.00 $3,250.00 $2,334.91 $3,356.78 $2,314.54 $21.87 $106.78 $0.00
2/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,356.78 $3,383.63 $3,215.11 $26.85 $133.63 $0.00
3/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,383.63 $3,414.99 $3,298.91 $31.36 $164.99 $0.00
4/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,414.99 $3,444.77 $3,270.66 $29.78 $194.77 $0.00
5/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,444.77 $3,476.49 $3,219.24 $31.72 $226.49 $0.00
6/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,476.49 $3,509.18 $3,396.53 $32.69 $259.18 $0.00
7/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,509.18 $3,542.62 $3,430.71 $33.44 $292.62 $0.00
8/1/2014 0 $3,250.00 $3,542.62 $3,575.42 $3,485.82 $32.80 $325.42 $0.00
9/1/2014 $1,000.00 $4,250.00 $3,575.42 $4,626.40 $3,487.59 $50.98 $376.40 $0.00
10/1/2014 0 $4,250.00 $4,626.40 $4,682.38 $3,793.43 $55.98 $432.38 $0.00
11/1/2014 0 $4,250.00 $4,682.38 $4,740.78 $4,487.93 $58.40 $490.78 $0.00
12/2/2014 $5,000.00 $9,250.00 $4,740.78 $9,793.23 $3,968.26 $52.45 $543.23 $0.00
1/1/2015 0 $9,250.00 $9,793.23 $9,880.07 $6,907.64 $86.84 $630.07 $0.00
2/1/2015 0 $9,250.00 $9,880.07 $9,975.71 $9,468.70 $95.64 $725.71 ($4.22)
3/1/2015 $3,000.00 $12,250.00 $9,975.71 $13,054.65 $9,495.49 $78.94 $804.65 ($34.37)
4/2/2015 $10,000.00 $22,250.00 $13,054.65 $23,146.55 $9,019.11 $91.90 $896.55 ($13.41)
5/1/2015 $0.00 $22,250.00 $23,146.55 $23,256.09 $12,447.84 $109.54 $1,006.09 ($24.58)
6/1/2015 $0.00 $22,250.00 $23,256.09 $23,407.01 $17,567.06 $150.92 $1,157.01 $0.00
7/1/2015 $3,000.00 $25,250.00 $26,407.01 $26,577.14 $18,780.13 $170.13 $1,327.14 $0.00
8/1/2015 $0.00 $25,250.00 $26,577.14 $26,701.84 $18,904.83 $124.70 $1,451.84 ($24.44)
9/1/2015 $0.00 $25,250.00 $26,701.84 $26,891.41 $20,510.82 $189.57 $1,641.41 $0.00



Lending club update

lendingclub update

lendingclub update up to September 2015




